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APM Scotland Network: Decision quality in capital projects

19 September 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Projects stand or fall by the quality of their decisions, but this critical area gets less attention than it deserves, given how important it is to make good ones. What makes a good decision, and how can we get better at making them?

Decision Quality (DQ), also known as Quality Decision Management   (QDM), relates to the quality of a decision when made, irrespective of its outcome. Decision quality provides a framework for evaluating decision problems effectively and efficiently. When properly implemented, DQ enables the maximum value to be captured in complex decision making, against a background of risk and uncertainty.

This presentation will describe the decision quality ‘circle’ of six basic elements and provide some insight of important considerations when negotiating the circle; the central role of the business in setting the frame and some real world experiences of where the circle has been broken.

The event will suit all types and levels of project professionals, including – but not limited to – project management, project engineering and project controls personnel. Members of the academic community and students of project   management will also benefit from attending. In particular, the event will benefit those responsible for making key decisions in projects, for example project sponsors, project directors and project board members.

Attendees will gain a better understanding of why decision quality is important, what goes into making a decision and how we can improve our ability to make good ones. This will be supported by examples of decision   making in real project contexts, to assist attendees in applying the learning   once they return to their workplaces.

CPD:  2.00

Ticket prices:

Student member: Free

Associate member: Free

Member: Free

Non-member: £10

Corporate Partner/Affiliate employee: £10


18:00 – Registration and refreshments

19:00 – Presentations

20:00 – Networking

20:30 – Close

Who Should attend

This event is suitable for all project professionals.


Dr. Keith Eagles, Director , Decision and Risk Consulting Ltd –

Keith is a Physicist (DPhil. and B.Sc.) by education and for the last 25 years has been a practicing decision analyst and risk management specialist in the energy and construction industries. He is the principal at Decision and Risk Consulting Ltd, a post he has held for the last 10 years. Keith’s specialist areas include cost and schedule risk analysis, quantitative Monte Carlo simulation and quality decision management. Keith also coaches maths and physics students to exam grade and enjoys racing radio-controlled cars.


Leonardo Hotel Aberdeen
Guild St
Aberdeen, AB11 5RG United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Engineering Scotland does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the diary postings on this web site.
Intending attendees are urged to check all details with the event organiser.
Send email to the Honorary Secretary with any questions or comments about this web site.
The registered address of Engineering Scotland is:
c/o Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 105 West George Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 1QL
Tel: 0141 248 3721

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