Organisations The following is a list of organisations with connections to Engineering Scotland:- APM Association for Project Management ACTC Applied Control Technology Consortium ANSYS Ansys UK BCS British Computer Society BINDT British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (Scottish Branch) BSSA British Stainless Steel Association CIBSE Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers CIPHE Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering CIWEM Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management CQI SW The Chartered Quality Institute (Scotland West) CS Concrete Society HM Holyrood Magazine iCME Institute of Cast Metals Engineers IMarEST Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology IoW Institute of Water ICE Institution of Civil Engineers IET Institution of Engineering and Technology IET and Scottish Branches IES Institution of Engineers in Scotland IMechE Institution of Mechanical Engineers IMechE Rail Institution of Mechanical Engineers Railway Division IStructE Institution of Structural Engineers PA Practical Action RAES Royal Aeronautical Society (Prestwick Branch) RINA Royal Institute of Naval Architects RSC Royal Society of Chemistry (Edinburgh) MIS The Mining Institute of Scotland RSE Royal Society of Edinburgh SAM Scottish Association for Metals SPRA Scottish Plastics and Rubber Association WJS Welding and Joining Society TWI The Welding Institute WES Women’s Engineering Society