To register for an event, please contact the organiser direct using the details below.
Please check timings and venue details with the organiser.
November 2014
Are You Prepared for the New CE Marking and the Implications for Welding Companies?
Talk by Ian Hogarth of TWI Certification Ltd. Refreshments from 6.30pm, event start at 7pm.
Find out more »January 2015
Scottish Branch AGM, followed by two talks
The AGM will be followed by two talks:- "Modelling Alternative Shielding Gases for GMAW" by Stuart Campbell, Strathclyde University and "Nitride Precipitation in Super Duplex Steels" by Gerry Hassall, Edinburgh Napier University
Find out more »February 2015
61st Annual Dinner
Speakers:- to be advised. Dress Formal. Decorations to be worn.
Find out more »March 2015
Developments on Reeled Pipelines for Offshore
Talk by Richard Jones of Subsea 7. Refreshments from 6.30pm, event start 7pm.
Find out more »May 2015
Developments in Shielding Gas Technology and Modes of Supply
Talk by Phil Hughes of Air Products. Refreshments from 6.30pm, event start 7pm.
Find out more »November 2015
Why do Accidents Happen with Industrial Gases?
Speaker: Terry Broughton, Gas Safe Consultants. Buffet prior to talk. For TWI members, event qualifies for CPD.
Find out more »February 2016
TWI 44th Annual Dinner
Since space is necessarily limited, non-members - and indeed members too - should contact the Scottish Branch of the Institute in advance. Dress formal. Dinner starts at 7.00 pm.
Find out more »May 2016
Reality Welding Training System
See the latest augmented reality training system in action! Presentation by Paul Barraclough of Boxford Ltd. Earns CPD points. Presentation starts (after buffet) at 7.00 pm.
Find out more »Engineering Scotland does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the diary postings on this web site.
Intending attendees are urged to check all details with the event organiser.
Send email to the Honorary Secretary with any questions or comments about this web site.
The registered address of Engineering Scotland is:
c/o Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 105 West George Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 1QL
Tel: 0141 248 3721